


Kate Spade & Co. LLC (kate)

  • -- (--%)
开盘价:-- 最高价:-- 最低价:-- 52周最高价:-- 52周最低价:--
成交量:-- 平均成交量:-- 市值:-- 市盈率:-- 预期市盈率:--
每股收益:-- 贝塔系数:-- 股息:-- 收益率:-- 总股本:--
交易日期 交易人 职位 类型 交易份额 价格
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Buy 709 --
2017-03-05 Lloyd (Deborah J) Officer and Director Sell 3687 23.29
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 5629 23.29
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 23412 23.37
2017-03-05 Lloyd (Deborah J) Officer and Director Sell 15335 23.37
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Sell 558 23.29
2017-03-05 Lloyd (Deborah J) Officer and Director Sell 9604 23.29
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 23412 23.37
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Buy 709 --
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Buy 2107 --
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Buy 26384 --
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 14662 23.29
2017-03-05 Lloyd (Deborah J) Officer and Director Buy 27595 --
2017-03-05 Lloyd (Deborah J) Officer and Director Buy 17282 --
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Buy 42129 --
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Sell 3336 23.29
2017-03-05 Linko (Thomas J) Chief Financial Officer Sell 3336 23.29
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Buy 26384 --
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 14662 23.29
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Buy 31661 --
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Buy 7915 --
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Sell 16892 23.29
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Sell 4201 23.29
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Buy 3038 --
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Sell 6743 23.37
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Sell 16892 23.29
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Buy 7915 --
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Sell 6743 23.37
2017-03-05 Carrara (George M) President Buy 3038 --
2017-03-05 Leavitt (Craig A) Chief Executive Officer Sell 5629 23.29
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