


Blueprint Medicines Corp. (bpmc)

  • -- (--%)
开盘价:-- 最高价:-- 最低价:-- 52周最高价:-- 52周最低价:--
成交量:-- 平均成交量:-- 市值:-- 市盈率:-- 预期市盈率:--
每股收益:-- 贝塔系数:-- 股息:-- 收益率:-- 总股本:--
交易日期 交易人 职位 类型 交易份额 价格
2017-08-08 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 3085 48.21
2017-08-08 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 100 47.79
2017-08-08 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Buy 5000 8.80
2017-08-08 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 1815 49.30
2017-08-07 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 10000 50.70
2017-08-06 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 2786 48.29
2017-08-06 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 17214 49.21
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 852 51.54
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 700 53.58
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Buy 7265 16.28
2017-07-04 Lynch (Daniel S) Director Sell 7500 55.06
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 700 52.63
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 4313 55.76
2017-07-04 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 700 54.75
2017-06-27 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 6357 --
2017-06-27 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Buy 6357 16.28
2017-06-27 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 1100 49.07
2017-06-27 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Buy 10000 8.80
2017-06-27 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 4586 51.08
2017-06-27 Boral (Anthony L) Officer Sell 4314 50.19
2017-06-27 Lynch (Daniel S) Director Sell 7901 51.17
2017-06-27 Lynch (Daniel S) Director Sell 3125 49.09
2017-06-27 Lynch (Daniel S) Director Sell 21474 50.12
2017-06-27 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 10205 50.22
2017-06-27 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 7566 51.21
2017-06-27 Albers (Jeffrey W) Chief Executive Officer Sell 10205 50.22
2017-03-15 Levin (Mark J) Beneficial Owner of More than 10% Class Sell 24800 40.74
2017-03-15 Levin (Mark J) Beneficial Owner of More than 10% Class Sell 5200 41.55
2017-03-13 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Buy 12714 16.28
2017-03-13 Haviland (Kathryn) Officer Sell 12714 40.01
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