



Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV (pac)

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开盘价:-- 最高价:-- 最低价:-- 52周最高价:-- 52周最低价:--
成交量:-- 平均成交量:-- 市值:-- 市盈率:-- 预期市盈率:--
每股收益:-- 贝塔系数:-- 股息:-- 收益率:-- 总股本:--
Saúl Villarreal García Saúl Villarreal García is currently the Director at SCL Terminal Aéreo Santiago SA and the Chief Financial Officer at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. He has an undergraduate degree and an MBA from the University of Guadalajara and a graduate degree from Universidad Panamericana.
Raul Revuelta Musalem Raul Revuelta Musalem is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV since 2018. He is also the Chairman at Desarrollo de Concesiones Aeroportuarias SL since 2018 and the General Director at Otay Tijuana Venture LLC since 2016. Previously, he worked as the Deputy Director-Finance at Mexico Ministry of Communications & Transportation, the General Director at Cross Border Xpress LLC, and the Chief Financial Officer at Aleatica SAB de CV. Mr. Revuelta Musalem completed his undergraduate degree at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Fernando Bosque Mohíno Mr. Fernando Bosque Mohíno is Chief Executive Officer at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. Mr. Bosque Mohíno was previously employed as Chief Financial Officer by Enaire E.P.E., Concession Director by Ferrovial SA, and Chief Executive Officer by MBJ Airports Ltd. He received his undergraduate degree from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Jose Angel Martinez Sanchez Jose Angel Martinez Sanchez is currently the Chief of Airports & Regulated Revenues at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. Previously, he worked as the Manager-Technical Operations at Aena Desarrollo Internacional, S.M.E. SA. He holds a graduate degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and graduate and MBA degrees from the University of Rey Juan Carlos. He also has a graduate degree from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Juan Francisco Martínez Mira Juan Francisco Martínez Mira is currently the Director of Quality, Innovation & IT at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. He started this position in 2018. Prior to his current role, he graduated from Universidad de Murcia.
Tomas Ramírez Vargas Tomas Ramírez Vargas currently works at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV, as Commercial Director.
Susana Romero Susana Romero currently works at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV, as Chief Commercial Officer from 2023. Ms. Romero received her undergraduate degree from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and graduate degree from Universidad Panamericana.
Laura Diez Barroso Azcárraga Laura Diez Barroso Azcárraga is the founder of Editorial Eres, which was founded in 1988. She is also the founder of LCA Capital LLC. Ms. Diez Barroso Azcárraga's current jobs include being the Chairman of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV since 2015, Chairman of San Ildefonso Pueblo Museum since 2011, Chairman of Banco Santander Mexico SA Institucion de Banca Multiple since 2020, Chairman of Tenedora y Promotora Azteca SA de CV since 2011, Chairman of Fundación Gap since 2013, Chairman of Grupo Financiero Mexico SA de CV since 2020, and Director of Teléfonos de México SAB de CV, Telmex Internacional SAB de CV, El Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios AC, Santander Consumo SA de CV, Promotora Aeronáutica del Pacífico SA de CV, Club De Industriales SA de CV, Casa Hogar de los Pequeños San José, Centro Roberto Garza Sada de Arte Arquitectura y Diseño, Antiguo Colegio De San Ildefonso, Womencorporatedirectors Foundation, and Escuelas SER AC. Ms. Diez Barroso Azcárraga's former jobs include being the President & Chief Executive Officer of Editorial Televisa SA de CV from 1995 to 2000, Chairman of Grupo Financiero Santander Mexico SAB de CV, Chairman of Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SA de CV, Chairman of Mexicanito AC, Director of Royal Caribbean Group, Director of Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV in 2010, Independent Director of Medica Sur SA de CV, Director of Pro Mujer, Inc., Director of Fundación del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México AC, and Director of Pro Mujer México.
Alfredo de Jesús Casar Pérez Alfredo de Jesús Casar Pérez is on the board of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV.
Luis Manuel Enrique Téllez Kuenzler Luis Manuel Enrique Téllez Kuenzler is currently the Chairman at Bursatec SA de CV. He is also an Independent Director at Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV, Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV, and Element Fleet Management Corp. Additionally, he serves as a Director at Grupo Financiero Monex SA de CV, Grupo Gepp Sapi de Cv, and Fondo Mexicano del Petróleo. He holds the position of Senior Advisor at Angeleno Group LLC and is a Member of The Trilateral Commission, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, McLarty Associates LLC, and Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. He is a Trustee at Bioversity International and was previously the Head of Mexico at KKR de Mexico SC. In his former roles, Dr. Téllez Kuenzler served as the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV and Mexican Stock Exchange. He was also the Chairman of Mercado Mexicano de Derivados, S.D. Indeval SA de CV, SIF ICAP SA de CV, Contraparte Central de Valores de México SA de CV, and Valuación Operativa y Referencias de Mercado SA de CV. He held the position of Director at Technip USA, Inc. (Louisiana), Southern Copper Corp., and Sempra. He was an Independent Director at Sempra, Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV, Petróleos Mexicanos EPE, Grupo México S.A.B. de C.V., Grupo Azucarero Mexico SA de CV, Grupo Financiero Interacciones SA de CV, Casa de Bolsa BBVA Bancomer SA de CV, and Banco Interacciones SA. He also served as an Independent Director at Chubb Ltd. from 2021 to 2023 and as a Director at Golbal Industries Ltd. He was the President of Everis México S de RL de CV from 2015 to 2020. Dr. Téllez Kuenzler holds a doctorate degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an undergraduate degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Carlos Cárdenas Guzmán Carlos Cárdenas Guzmán is an Independent Director at Reaseguradora Patria SAB, Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV, Aleatica SAB de CV, CHG Meridian Mexico SAPI DE CV, Comercializadora Farmaceutica de Chiapas SA P I de CV, Berkley International Fianzas Mexico SA de CV, and Berkley International Seguros Mexico SA de CV. He previously worked as a Director at General de Seguros SAB, President at The American British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, President at Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, Partner at Ernst & Young, and President at Academia De Estudios Fiscales De La Contaduría Pública Ac. Mr. Cárdenas Guzmán holds a graduate degree from Universidad Panamericana and an undergraduate degree from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.
Juan Diez-Canedo Ruiz Juan Diez-Canedo Ruiz is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer at Financiera Local SA de CV since 2009. He is also an Independent Director at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV since 2014. Additionally, he holds positions as an Independent Director at Banco Mercantil del Norte SA de CV, Director at Titulización de Activos SGFT SA, Independent Director at Deportes Martí SA de CV, Director at Alcatel Lucent México SA de CV, Director at Agrofinanciera del Noroeste, Independent Director at Fondo De Cultura Economica, Director at Grupo Gimsa, Professor at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, and Professor at El Colegio de México AC. Dr. Diez-Canedo Ruiz has previously served as the Chief Executive Officer at Consorcio Aeromexico SAB de CV from 1999 to 2001. He was also the Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Banco Internacional de Mexico from 1989 to 1992. Furthermore, he has held positions as an Independent Director at Teléfonos de México SAB de CV and Grupo Industrial Maseca SAB de CV. He was the Director General-Banking at Grupo Financiero Probursa from 1992 to 1994 and the Executive Vice President at Gruma SAB de CV from 1995 to 1996. He also served as the Executive Vice President at Grupo Financiero Banorte SA de CV from 1995 to 1999. Prior to that, he was the Head-Macro Financial Programming at Bank of Mexico from 1978 to 1988. He was the President at Fomento Y Desarrollo Comercial from 2001 to 2009 and the President at Fodeco A from 2002 to 2008. Dr. Diez-Canedo Ruiz holds a doctorate degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, conferred in 1980. He also has an undergraduate degree from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, conferred in 1973.
Joaquín Vargas Guajardo Joaquín Vargas Guajardo is currently the Chairman at CMR SAB de CV and MVS Comunicaciones SA de CV. He is also an Independent Director at Vitro SAB de CV, a Director at El Universal Compania Periodistica Nacional SA de CV, a Non-Executive Director at Medica Sur SA de CV, an Independent Director at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV, a Director at Grupo Azucarero Mexico SA de CV, a Director at Grupo Costamex SA de CV, a Director at Grupo Gepp Sapi de Cv, and an Independent Director at Santander Consumo SA de CV. In the past, he served as the Chairman at Camara Nacional De La Industria De Radio Y Television and Asociacion Mexicana De Restaurantes. He was also an Independent Director at Grupo Financiero Santander Mexico SAB de CV and Grupo Posadas, SAB de CV. Additionally, he served as a Director at Santander Vivienda SA de CV SOFOM ER, Banco Santander Mexico SA Institucion de Banca Multiple, and Santander Hipotecario SA de CV SOFOM ER. He was a Director at the Mexican Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2012 and from 1997 to 2005. Mr. Vargas Guajardo's education includes an undergraduate degree from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Ángel Losada Moreno Ángel Losada Moreno is currently the Chairman of Grupo Gigante SAB de CV, Chairman of Office Depot de México S.A. de CV, Chairman of Restaurantes Toks SA de CV, Chairman of Grupo Presidente SA de CV, Chairman of Ver Bien Para Aprender Mejor Foundation, Chairman of Gigante Grupo Inmobiliario SA de CV, and Independent Director of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. He is also a Director of Cia Mexicana de Aviación SA de CV, Laboratorios Novag SA, Novag Infancia SA de CV, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio y Departamenta, Mexico Chamber of Commerce, and Fundacion Gonzalo Rio Arronte Iap. Mr. Losada Moreno previously worked as a Director at Teléfonos de México SAB de CV from 1991 to 2012. He also served as an Independent Director at Banco Nacional de México SA, Director at Inverlat Casa de Bolsa SA, Director at M.D. Anderson International España SA, Director at Grupo Financiero Citibanamex SA de CV, Director at Food Marketplace, Inc., Director at Banco Invex SA, Director at Seguros América SA, Director at Lumni Colombia SA, and Independent Director at APx Acquisition Corp. I.Mr. Losada Moreno obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Anahuac.
Alejandra Palacios Prieto Alejandra Palacios Prieto is an Independent Director at Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico SAB de CV. She previously served as the Chairman-Mexican Antitrust Agency at the Federal Economic Competition Commission from 2013 to 2021. Additionally, she held the position of Vice President at the International Competition Network. Ms. Palacios Prieto obtained her undergraduate degree and an MBA from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.