


MNRL Sub, Inc. (mnrl)

  • -- (--%)
开盘价:-- 最高价:-- 最低价:-- 52周最高价:-- 52周最低价:--
成交量:-- 平均成交量:-- 市值:-- 市盈率:-- 预期市盈率:--
每股收益:-- 贝塔系数:-- 股息:-- 收益率:-- 总股本:--
Christopher L. Conoscenti Christopher L. Conoscenti is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at MNRL Sub, Inc., as well as the Chief Executive Officer at Kimmeridge Energy Management Inc, STR Sub, Inc., and Sitio Royalties Corp. He previously served as the Chief Executive Officer at Desert Peak Minerals, Inc. and held Managing Director positions at JPMorgan Securities LLC and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC. Conoscenti received a graduate degree and an MBA from Tulane University and an undergraduate degree from Notre Dame University.